We belong among those that say that an online game of Blackjack will never go out of style even in its most basic version. If someone gives us a new piece with interesting rules, we won’t disdain from it. And Premium Blackjack from Playtech fills the requirements that we like. It’s new, high-quality, it looks good, and you can find a bunch of new stuff in the rules.
A chilled out online Blackjack game
Let’s start with the least important. Graphics. What can be messed up about an ordinary green canvas. Well, probably nothing, but improvements are plentiful. If the developers try hard, the feel of the game is immediately different. The Premium Blackjack may not be playing the first league in terms of graphics but it doesn’t look bad at all. Modernism gave way to classics but in this case, we didn’t mind at all. Only the music could be a bit better. The one here can start to become annoying quite fast. It can, however, be turned off. Otherwise, the sounds are good. And we quite liked the female voice that announces the situation on the table.
The table’s layout is standard. At the top are the card decks, under them the explanation notes for special bets, then there's room for placing bets, and at the very bottom are chips of varying values and the control buttons with commands that control the game itself.
The most innovations are brought by the rules. Or rather, the added options of bets, whereby the basic rules of Blackjack do not differ from those that you’re used to. The game is played with 6 decks of cards and they are returned to the pack after every round. The card values are traditional. The banker takes hits until he reaches a sum of 17 or higher.
What will definitely please true fans is the incorporation of the 10 cards Charlie rule. It comes into effect when you get 10 cards and you’re still not done. If the banker doesn’t have a Blackjack, you automatically win.
Great additional bets
We also mentioned some other interesting rules. Or better yet, additional bets. Aside from the main bet, you can also place bets on Ideal pairs and bets 21 + 3.
You can also place Player’s pair bets on any combination of cards that you placed your normal bet on, you can also bet on the banker’s pair. During these bets, you win if the two cards that you or the dealer have received according to what you've bet, create an ideal pair, color pair or a red/black pair.
An ideal pair is a bet on the first two cards, your’s or the dealer’s create a pair with the same symbol, for example, you’ll have two sevens of hearts. A color pair is a bet in which you need the first two cards to have the same color, with different symbols, for example, a pair from a seven of diamonds and seven of hearts. The red/black pair is a bet that the first two cards will be of a different color with different symbols, for example, a pair from a five of diamonds and a five of spades.
An additional bet of 21+3 can be made only on cards that you’ve placed a normal bet on. You’ll get a win if the first two cards from your hand and the first card of the dealer’s hand create a flush, straight, three of a kind, single color straight or they all have the same symbol. All of the additional bets can be placed at the same time, during a single playing round.
Try out the Premium Blackjack for free
We’ve properly enjoyed the Premium Blackjack from Playtech. It was fun and we’ve spent a good amount of time on it. As one of a few variants of Blackjack, it was able to bring additional bets that intrigued us and that we’ve often bet on. If you wanna try it, online casinos with Blackjack allow you to try the games in their selection in the free mode. Take advantage of this and have a lucky hand.
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